Who is waiting for you to ask?


I want to thank so many of you who have taken the CMN mentoring process seriously.  Not only have you gone through the Mentoring His Way three volume book series yourselves, but you have taken the step to bring someone else through it as well.  As a result of your efforts, we have seen thousands of lives transformed to full maturity in Christ.

If you have not yet had the privilege of walking with another person through the books, you are missing out on the second most exciting experience a Christian can have. 

The first exciting experience is when we are honored to be with a person when they make that first commitment step of asking Christ in to their heart or when someone sincerely recommits their life to follow the Lord. 

Then the second honor comes when we watch that newly committed believer starts growing and seeing their faith come to life!  That’s what mentoring is all about!  And the added excitement continues when that person becomes ready to mentor someone else!  It’s like having children and grand-children and watching them grow!

Let me encourage you to ask someone you know – family, a friend, church member or work associate to go through this series with you. Someone out there is just waiting for you to care enough to ask.

Until Every Believer is a Disciple Maker,

Dr Roy

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